Feel Good Factor: latest posts
The Fag Break: should we lose it, or can we use it?
I recently read an article in the Independent about the rise of vaping and it being a gateway to smoking, particularly for Gen Z. Reasons cited for switching from vaping to smoking included: finding it easier to view smoking a cigarette as a time-limited event...
The Fag Break: should we lose it, or can we use it?
I recently read an article in the Independent about the rise of vaping and it being a gateway to smoking, particularly for Gen Z. Reasons cited for switching from vaping to smoking included:...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #24
Hello and welcome to another edition of my weekly wellbeing round-up! I hope you have had a good weekend and are feeling relaxed and restored. Life has been a bit full recently. This...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #23
Welcome to episode 23 of the weekly wellbeing round-up! Some of you may have noticed an item or two in the news this week about the publication of the NHS's vision for prevention,...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #22: What do we mean by Lifestyle Medicine?
At the end of last week's wellbeing round-up I touched upon the growing interest in lifestyle medicine within my profession and the opportunities that exist to develop knowledge, experience...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #21
Welcome back to the weekly wellbeing round-up! After a few weeks of posts focusing on more specific topics like the miracle cure of physical activity and mental wellbeing, we are back to a...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #20: a miracle cure!
Good morning and welcome to another edition of the Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up. This week I thought I would get your monday morning off to a great start by offering you...a miracle cure. The...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #19: mental wellbeing.
The more observant of you may have noticed that this week (October 10th) it was World Mental Health day. In recognition of this, the round-up this week has a mental health focus. I will be...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #18: a weekend of wellbeing in Valencia.
When I was a medical student our favourite lecturer was Dr Andy Sparrow. Not because of his subject (which was anatomy) but because at random points throughout his slides he would show us...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #17
Welcome to the latest edition of my weekly wellbeing round-up. The last couple of posts have been on the topics of making a wellbeing plan and the importance of connecting for wellbeing, so...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #16: connecting for wellbeing.
Over the last few months on this blog I have talked a lot about eating, moving, sleeping and relaxing. As I have learnt from others and developed my own model of looking at and improving...
The Weekly Wellbeing Round-Up #15: making a plan to improve your wellbeing.
When I first became a GP, I decided that many of my patients who needed to make lifestyle changes also had undiagnosed conditions that resulted in problems with their understanding, memory...