
I’m currently working on a new podcast series. In the meantime, here are the episodes for you to enjoy from my last series, as well as some episodes of other podcasts which I have been a guest on.
Have you ever wanted to live life better but found yourself baffled, bewildered and bored by complicated, confusing, condescending advice? This podcast is the antidote. Each episode is really good conversation between me and an expert guest. We keep it short and practical, so that you can get the most out of it.
Season 1: Episode 1 — Stress
11 May, 2021
In this episode I talk with Dr Wendy Molefi about stress and what we can do to enjoy better mental health. Topics discussed include what stress is , how some is good for us but too much is not, why it seems to be such an issue today, what happens to our bodies and minds when we are stressed and how we can manage it better to improve our wellbeing. A video version of this episode is available on YouTube.
Season 1: Episode 2 — Sleep
18 May, 2021
In this episode of the Wellbeing for Real Life podcast I talk to Dr Aseem Malhotra about sleep. The conversation includes our own personal experiences of being well slept and sleep deprived, how sleep affects performance, what happens during sleep, the harms of sleep deprivation (including chronic disease) and the benefits of a good night’s sleep. We give their our tips for better sleep including routine, physical activity, exposure to natural light, limiting screen time, managing caffeine and alcohol intake, acknowledging how our bodies and circumstances change over time and the importance of addressing mental health concerns. A video version of this episode is available on YouTube.
Season 1: Episode 3 — Mindfulness
25 May, 2021
In this episode of the Wellbeing for Real Life podcast I talk to Dr Wendy Molefi talk about mindfulness: what it is, the evidence for it being good for our wellbeing, and how to develop a mindfulness practice. It includes a live session led by Wendy to demonstrate how you can do it in real life. A video version of this episode is available on YouTube.
Season 1: Episode 4 — Movement
3 June, 2021
In this episode of the Wellbeing for Real Life podcast I talk to Dr Aseem Malhotra about movement, our natural state and the cure for much of what ails us. We discuss the benefits of movement, the harms of inactivity (thought to be the same as smoking), and share our top tips for making movement a part of our lives. A video version of this episode is available on YouTube
Season 1: Episode 5 — Connections
8 June, 2021
In this episode of the Wellbeing for Real Life podcast I talk to Dr Wendy Molefi about connections. Human beings are social animals who need connections if we are to thrive. We discuss the challenges we face as a society, the problems of loneliness, the benefits of having meaningful relationships and give our top tips for building strong connections with others. A video version of this episode is available on YouTube.
Season 1: Episode 6 — Food
22 June, 2021
In this episode of the Wellbeing for Real Life podcast I talk to Dr Aseem Malhotra about food: our environment, the kind of food we eat whether whole or ultra-processed, the cost of eating well and of not doing so, the effect our weight and overall wellbeing, the problems with diets and the influence of the food industry. We include some of our tips for eating well and getting the most out of the food you eat. A video version of this episode is available on YouTube.
Season 1: Episode 7 — Purpose and meaning
5 August, 2021
In this final episode of the first series of the podcast I talk to Dr Wendy Molefi about the importance of having a sense of purpose and meaning in life, whether it’s considering for ourselves or our patients. We discuss the evidence for purpose and faith being good for our health, the concept of ikigai (“reason for being”) and how we might introduce this into our conversations, personally or professionally. A video version of this episode is available on YouTube.