If you feel you have a long way to go and big changes that you would like to make…it’s actually quite easy to get started! No one climbs Mount Everest in a day. People start at low altitude and gradually acclimatise. The greatest benefits to health and wellbeing are seen in those who move slightly from being at high risk of these problems…to slightly lower risk. To base camp, not the summit. If you are more or less completely inactive and break into a sweat at the thought of breaking into a sweat, just 10 minutes a day of walking could reduce your risk of heart disease or stroke by 30 or 40%. If you are permanently stressed out and anxious, just starting with 5 minutes a day of relaxation (such as reading, listening to music, being out in nature or using a mindfulness app) will make a big difference to how you feel. If you are chronically sleep deprived, cutting out caffeine after midday avoiding alcohol and not using your phone for an hour or two before bedtime could really improve the quality and quantity of your sleep, which will mean you wake up each day transformed with more energy and better mood. Thinking small can make a big difference. Why not talk about the changes you would like to make with your friends, family or doctor?
That’s it for this week. Until next time, take care of yourself!
Dr Richard Pile